Wednesday 31 October 2012

Day 3: Messing up on Day 2

Okay, so I already missed a day of blogging. This doesn’t bode well. But you know what? Every other time I’ve tried reading the Bible daily, I’ve missed the day and go to bed remembering that I should, but what’s the point? I’m just going to mess this up again.

But last night, as I got into bed, I thought, I can’t skip it! It’s not too late—the day isn’t done yet!

So I got the Bible out. And I read Psalm 130—crying to God from out of the depths. What a clear reminder of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this psalm: “If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared” (v.3-4). There is other great stuff in this psalm, but God’s redemptive story is what stood out to me last night. In verse 8, God reaffirms that he will redeem His people from all iniquities. I don’t know about you, but I have a gazillion iniquities, and to be able to hope—to know—that God will forgive those through the blood of Jesus...It’s honestly unfathomable to me. I don’t think I truly grasp the greatness of my sin, and so I don’t really grasp the greatness of God’s forgiveness. It’s a reminder I need constantly.

So: the day wasn’t a waste!

Today I read a random and decided to read about the transfiguration in Mark 9. The part where Peter’s like, “Huh, this is weird...Hey Jesus, let’s build some tents” makes me kinda laugh every time I read it. God shows them that Jesus is the Son of Man, and when they come down from the mountain, they still don’t get it. I’m not judging the disciples, but I think they’re stupid when I read about how again and again they didn’t get what Jesus was saying and showing to them about his mission and who he was. How could they have lived with him, walked and talked with him, and not known what he was there for, and who he was?  But then I don’t get it either, and I know Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected. I have the whole story here in the Scriptures and I’m still horribly dense about it all, living like it doesn’t matter, asking stupid questions.

God, give me eyes to see what you have revealed of yourself in the Bible. 

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