Friday 2 November 2012

Day 5: The Christian and depression

While I am beginning my new life of reading the Word daily, I decided to re-read an influential book in my life, Christians Get Depressed Too by David Murray, available here at Reformation Heritage Books (it's also in eBook format if you search). Dr. Murray spoke on this topic at a Reformed Christian teachers' conference I attended last winter. So much of it hit home that I was trying to hide my tears most of the time--someone was finally telling me it was okay to be depressed! So I bought this book at the table outside and read it that night. What a help it was to me! I really encourage you to read this book if you think you might be suffering from depression, or if you know someone who is.

Anyway, all this to say that I chose a Scripture reading for today from this book, just to uplift and encourage as I battle my head cold with my little stuffed up baby and 5-year-old. I read Psalm 77.

I think this will have to be my go-to psalm when I'm feeling particularly down. The psalmist is obviously in the depths: "I remembered you, God, and I groaned; I meditated, and my spirit grew faint." But what does he do for help? He remembers what God did in times past: 

To this I will appeal:
    the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.
11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
    yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 I will consider all your works
    and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

God created the earth, He has performed great miracles, the greatest of which is the redemption of His people. I have so much to be thankful for in this life, but even if all I can do is remember God's care for me and His sacrifice for my soul, that is more than enough. It means so much, and it means that even if I have nothing of value to give back to Him, I can be joyful and serve Him with all my heart. 

On another note, I think reading the Bible each day even just this week has helped me to think about God more often, and be more patient. I did the 'sit-down piano practice' today with Maire, and I didn't even get mad! (Okay, I got a little frustrated, but I was really careful not to let it show, and that's where turning a sin around starts!) I'm thankful to see God keeping His promises in even this little way. It's really significant for me.

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